District Attorney General Glenn Funk
The District Attorney General for the 20th Judicial District is responsible for the prosecution of all alleged violations of state criminal laws that occur within Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County. Both felony and misdemeanor crimes are prosecuted by the District Attorney’s Office as well as the criminal acts of juveniles (persons less than eighteen (18) years of age). District Attorney General Glenn R. Funk was sworn in to office on August 28, 2014. He became Davidson County’s 36th District Attorney and only the third since 1966. General Funk was re-elected to another eight year term in 2022. Under his leadership, the District Attorney’s Office is focused on prosecuting violent crime in our community and protecting vulnerable victims.
“The District Attorney’s Office is committed to public service, fairness and justice for all. Our focus is on protecting vulnerable victims from violent crimes and to make sure victims have the best lawyer in the courtroom. Our mission is to make Nashville a safe place to raise a family and grow a business.”
–Glenn R. Funk, District Attorney
Current Events
TBI File from November 12, 2022 Officer Involved Shooting with Senquarius D. Williams
Pursuant to T.C.A. 38-8-311, The Nashville District Attorney’s Office is releasing the full Tennessee Bureau of Investigation file regarding the November 12, 2022 Officer Involved Shooting of Senquarius D. Williams. After a review of the TBI investigation, Nashville District Attorney Glenn Funk has determined that no criminal charges will be filed against any of the law enforcement officers in this incident. The TBI file is included.
Read the TBI Investigative file here.
For more TBI Files regarding officer involved shootings, please visit the TBI Reports page.
Crime Victim’s Rights Week Ceremony -Coming up April 6th, 2025
The Nashville District Attorney’s office is committed to not only keeping our city safe, but also assisting victims who are impacted by violence. Each April, Nashville honors crime victims and their families with exhibits, memorials, and gatherings like the Crime Victim’s Rights Week Ceremony. Nashville District Attorney General Glenn Funk, along with Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake, highlight the many resources available to assist Nashvillians impacted by crime. In addition, the Victim Witness Coordinators from the Nashville District Attorney’s office will tie ribbons together, honoring and remembering lives lost to violence, and showing victims they are not alone.
The Crime Victim’s Rights Week Ceremony for 2025 will be held April 6th, at 2pm, at the Midtown Hills Police Precinct. The location is 1441 12th Ave S, Nashville, TN. The public is invited to attend.
We appreciate WKRN for their coverage of this important ceremony.
2024 Nashville Safe Surrender Proves to be Another Success
The Nashville Safe Surrender event on December 6th and 7th, 2024, proved to be a huge success, with some 420 participants being processed during the two day event at Galilee Baptist Church. They came to clear outstanding, non-violent warrants or seek assistance on criminal matters that may be on their records. In Davidson County, there were more 30-thousand outstanding warrants when Safe Surrender began as an annual event in 2021, most of them for non-violent offenses or court fees that were never paid. In an effort to clear these warrants and give participants a fresh start, The Nashville District Attorney’s office, along with Metro Police, The Davidson County Sheriff’s office, the Public Defender’s office, the court system, and local pastors teamed up for this massive two day event held at Galilee Missionary Baptist Church. Many of the charges were able to be dismissed, while others were given favorable consideration by Judges and court personnel on site. In addition, Nashville District Attorney Glenn Funk and his staff, along with the Public Defender’s office are reviewing outstanding warrants of those that could not attend to see if those warrants may also be dismissed.
Nashville Safe Surrender 2024 continues to draw big numbers and change lives since it began as an annual event in 2021.
Nashville hosted a two-day Safe Surrender event at Galilee Church in December, 2023, which saw a total of 156 persons visit. Thirty-four received special consideration to begin resolving their outstanding criminal charges. All were able to go home the same day. Additionally, 275 expungements were processed over the two days.
In December 2022’s Safe Surrender event, a total of 56 persons received special consideration to begin resolving their outstanding criminal charges. Those 56 persons were named in a total of 76 outstanding warrants. Nearly all were able to go home the same day.
In December 2021’s Safe Surrender event, 67 persons who were named in a total of 88 outstanding warrants came to Galilee Church. Nearly all of them were able to handle their issues and head home.
Nashville Safe Surrender is now considered to be a model for the nation, drawing local and national media coverage, as well serving as a guide for other cities to launch similar initiatives.
Season to Remember 2024
The Annual Davidson County “Season To Remember” ceremony was held on December 12th, 2024 at Centennial Park. The Season to Remember ceremony honors victims of homicide and gives meaningful support to their families during the holiday season. Several speakers including District Attorney General Glenn Funk were on hand to offer words of support and encouragement. It’s always an emotional time for families to reflect on loved ones lost to violence, but also an important opportunity to come together as a group and gain support from one another.
Just as in years past, families hung hand made ornaments on a beautiful blue-lit Christmas tree as the names of their loved ones were read aloud. Victim Witness Coordinators from the Nashville District Attorney’s Office were on hand to assist families. At least 200 people were in attendance for the Season To Remember ceremony, and many more are expected to visit the tree during the holiday season.
In the Covid year of 2020, Season To Remember was a virtual event. It featured a video produced by the Nashville District Attorney’s Office, introducing viewers to some of the families that take part in the Season To Remember each year to remember their loved ones lost to violence. To view the 2020 Season to Remember virtual ceremony click here
Community Impact
Behavioral Care Center
The much anticipated Behavioral Care Center opened its doors in the fall of 2020, serving as an alternative to jail for mentally ill arrestees. The facility, which began as a dream in 2015, serves 30 men and 30 women in a therapeutic environment, providing short-term treatment, counseling, and follow up services to residents. The goal of the BCC is the decriminalization of mental illness. Nashville District Attorney Glenn Funk worked extensively with Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall, Metro Police, the Public Defender’s Office, and well-care providers to make the BCC not only a reality, but a state of the art facility now being modeled by other cities across the nation. A designated prosecutor from the District Attorney’s office is assigned to the BCC each morning to assist with assessment on which arrestees qualify to take part in the Behavioral Care Center. Early results from residents has been astounding, with a recidivism rate of a mere 7 percent. The BCC is a big step in true Criminal Justice Reform: Providing proper care and support for those with mental health issues, instead of costly incarceration that ignores the underlying issues that led to their arrest in the first place.
Nashville is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation, with an average of 100 people a day moving to the Capitol city of Tennessee. However, with that increased population, crime is a growing concern. Davidson County District Attorney Glenn Funk has taken the resources of his office and focused on curbing any potential crime problem by successfully prosecuting violent offenders. His staff of more than 70 prosecutors and 30 victim witness coordinators work tirelessly to ensure that violent criminals face their consequences and victims are supported throughout the entire judicial process. The conviction rates of up to 95% for the past 6 years show how those who commit the most serious crimes in our community (murder, robbery, rape, and gun violence) are paying the price for their crimes. This success shows prosecutorial excellence and helps ensure Nashville remains the safe, vibrant, and desirable city that has become the envy of the nation.
Focusing on Violent Crime
2015 – 2020 Indictments | Guilty / Pending | Dismissed by Grand Jury or State | Found Not Guilty |
Murder | 95% | 4% | 1% |
Robbery | 94% | 8% | 1% |
Rape | 87% | 13% | 0% |
Guns | 90% | 10% | 0% |
Newschannel 5 Plus interview on fighting crime, while also showing true Criminal Justice Reform and sound financial stewardship through alternatives to mass incarceration for non-violent offenders.
Domestic Violence Awareness
The District Attorney’s Office is committed to assisting victims of domestic violence and enhancing the public’s awareness of an issue that impacts thousands of Nashville families. One of the most powerful method’s of control and coercion in domestic violence cases is strangulation. Strangulation is an expression of an abuser’s ability and willingness to take their victims’ lives at any time. SIX THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT STRANGULATION.
One of the fastest growing crimes in Tennessee. We need YOUR help to stop it!
Adult Protective Services 1-888-APS-TENN or 1-888-277-8366
Elder Abuse also involves scams against vulnerable adults. Our office is dedicated to protecting citizens against these types of crimes. We appreciate the news media helping spread a message of caution to help keep our citizens safe.